Kristy Hawkins
Scholarship Chair
Channing Hughes
D20 Liaison
Jan Tanner
Advocacy Liaison
El Paso Council PTA Board
Nora Brown
It takes a team of dedicated volunteers to make sure our local PTAs are successful. We're fortunate to have some of the best dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to our cause.
Karen Hobson
Immediate Past President/
Membership Chair
El Paso Council is here to support you and your PTA. We are here to help with first time PTAs, PTA guidelines, help you manage your PTA, help with conflicts, help with organization and so much more.
El Paso Council roles, responsibilities and resources.
- We provide training throughout the year. Fall training is held in August and covers all aspects of PTA, job roles, and advocacy. Additional support trainings are provided through out the year on specific topics. Check out our calendar for more information and dates.
- The first step in becoming a PTA is reaching out to your local council to get started. We are here to help you along every step of the way to become a PTA.
- We help to make sure all legal deadlines are met and help your PTA to stay compliant with the IRS and COPTA.
- We host our annual Founder's Day dinner each year to honor our hard working volunteers.
- We host the local portion of our nation wide Reflections art competition.
- We provide direct hands on support for local chapters who are going through struggles, conflicts and transitions.
- We host and maintain Safety Town. A small town that is easy to rent out and share with your school to teach children about road safety.
Krista Bruckner
Vice President
Nicole Wood
D49 Liaison
Laura Jacobo
D11 Liaison/ Safety Town
Cinnamon Moore