Each officer of the El Paso Council PTA shall be a member of a local PTA/PTSA within the El Paso Council PTA.  Qualifications for elected officers:

Service on a Council Board of Directors, a past, or outgoing, elected officer of a local unit PTA.  A current local PTA/PTSA president shall be eligible to serve as a Council officer with the exception of the office of president.


Preside at all meetings of this Council of PTA; 
Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and audit committee;
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of this Council PTA in order that the purposes may be promoted;
Perform such duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the board of directors or executive committee.
Appoint district liaisons and standing committee chairs with the approval of the Executive Committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee chair.
Appoint a budget and finance committee and bylaws committee.  The president may appoint a parliamentarian.
Have signing authority on checks and all contracts for this council.
Be the spokesperson for the El Paso Council PTA.
Time commitments – monthly El Paso Council meetings, quarterly State PTA meetings, State PTA Convention, assist with convention organization, National Convention


Act as aide to the president;
Perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence or inability to serve;
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, the board of directors or the executive committee.
Time commitment – attendance at monthly El Paso Council PTA meetings


Record the minutes of all meetings of the El Paso Council PTA, board of directors and executive committee;
Be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings;
File all records;
Have a current copy of the bylaws;
Maintain a membership list of local PTA/PTSA units, and past Council board and committee members;
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, the board of directors, or the executive committee;
Handle correspondence delegated by the president
Time commitment – attendance at monthly El Paso Council PTA meetings


Have custody of the funds of this Council PTA
Maintain a full account of the funds of this Council PTA
Make disbursements as authorized by the president, executive board, or this Council PTA in accordance with the budget adopted by this Council PTA
Assure that two members of the board of directors shall sign all PTA checks.  Signers of PTA accounts cannot have disbursement authority over school/school district funds;
Cause to be kept a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the El Paso Council PTA;
Provide a financial report to the board of directors at each meeting;
Provide an annual report of the financial condition of the organization following its fiscal year end;
Submit the books annually for an audit by an auditor or audit committee of not less than three members selected by the board of directors.  A check signer may not be the auditor or a member of the audit committee.
Report the findings of the annual audit to the board of directors for adoption at the first regular board meeting following the audit;
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the president, the board of directors or the executive committee.
Deposit all funds in the name of the El Paso Council PTA in a financial institution or secured financial plan approved by the executive committee.
Attend the Audit Committee meetings.
Maintain a separate budget line item for the Peak2 PTSA.
Time commitment – attend monthly El Paso Council PTA meetings, attend audit committee meetings

Nominating Committee

El Paso Council PTA

Nominating Committee

November 2024

Treasurer shall

Duties of Officers

Secretary shall



As required by the bylaws, we are notifying the membership of the upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors, as well as, the duties of each position.

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for one of the positions, please notify a member of the nominating committee.

President shall

​Vice-President shall